Writers who understand technology.
Amazing and useful.


  • eBusiness
  • Distributed Computing
  • Wireless/mobile
  • Web Services
  • Peer-to-peer Technology
  • Object Technology
  • Application Development
  • Rules Management Technology
  • Manufacturing
  • Image Processing
  • Network Computing

We write:

  • Magazine Articles
  • White Papers
  • Application Stories
  • Web Sites
  • Case Studies
  • Brochures
  • Advertising
  • Business Plans
  • Training


You already know that effective writing about advanced technology is really tough to do. Which means good writers who can handle highly technical subjects are exceptionally hard to find:

  • Writers who can present a compelling business argument without resorting to catch-phrases and cliché.

  • Writers who understand shifting technology markets.

  • Writers who know their way around today's most advanced technologies--from distributed computing architectures to carrier-class global networks.

Why buy a horse when you can rent a tractor?

In your search for talent, someone is virtually guaranteed to suggest, "Why don't you just find a writer and put them on staff?" Ignore 'em. Because even if you can find someone with the right skill set, trying to keep a staff writer busy full time is a high overhead proposition.

Here's an idea

Hire experienced people who come in, get up to speed quickly, bang out just the right number of good solid words, and then get out of your way until you need them again. Hire Communications Associates.

Low overhead, high output

We're old hands at understanding what sells and what gets ignored. Our many years of experience in the technology universe give us a solid foundation in the effective marketing of advanced products and services. We're comfortable with today's most exciting new technologies, and we're usually working on a few still under wraps in our clients' development labs.

eBusiness, informationarchitectures, chips and systems--it's all familiar terrain for us. Which means we can write effectively on projects ranging from executive briefings to deeply technical white papers. You've seen our work in top industry publications including CIO magazine, Wireless Business & Technology, eAI Journal, EE Times, and on our clients' Web sites.

So what's in it for you?

When you bring us in, you make better use of your time and your budget. You don't waste hours explaining fundamentals--or wrestling with words trying to write it yourself. Your technical staff won't run screaming when they see us coming, either. They can tell us just about everything we need to know in short, efficient input sessions. We'll ask the right questions, do some research on our own and then quickly put your great ideas into words that prospects, customers and the media can grasp.

We work fast and we're surprisingly cost-effective

Call us or drop us an e-mail. We'll be happy to discuss your requirements on that next writing project.


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Communications Associates, Inc.
24520 Melott Road
Hillsboro, Oregon 97123
Voice: 503.628.0923
Fax: 503.296.2261

Send comments to:  webmaster@buckidaho.com

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